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Combination of DIR command at the command prompt/DOS is to see the list of files/folders that are in a particular directory or folder. Actually the command DIR command has a lot of parameters that we can use to limit the list of files/folders that we want.

Among others, these parameters can be used to specify files, folders or files and folders you want to take a look at the directory/specific folder, and then determine whether we will display the files are hidden or not, then sort by name, date, size, and so on. For a list of parameters and how to use them, type "DIR /?" And then press Enter.

Combination of DIR Command at the command prompt/DOS

To use the DIR command on a computer, is to open a Command Prompt (Click Start > Run > CMD). Then you can type DIR commands on the command prompt screen.

Combination of DIR command at the CMD/DOS

1. DIR /a- d, which is to see a list of files only.
2. DIR /ad, which is to see the list of existing folders.
3. DIR /a- dh, which is to see hidden files.
4. DIR /ADH, namely to see hidden folders dafter
5. DIR /ah. Namely to see a list of files /folders are hidden
6. DIR /c, ie the basic commands used to display files and directories on drive C.
7. DIR c:d, which is used to display files and directories on the drive C and D.
8. DIR /b /s, that is used to display the directory and sub directory to display the full path name.
9. DIR /a, that is used to display all files including system files and hidden files ( hidden ).
To display all the files in the D drive using the following command: dir d: /a
10. DIR /os
Used to display the files and directories in the order starting from the smallest file size to big size files. To reverse the order can use the command: dir /os
You can change the parameter s in the above command with:
- N, the command dir /on: sort by name
- E, the command dir /oe: sort by file type
- D, the command dir /od: sort by date
11. DIR /?, Which is to display the help.
12. DIR /P, ie to show the name of the file per page ( page ).
13. DIR /w, which is to display the file names horizontally /landscape (wide ).
14. DIR /A, which is to show all files, especially files with hidden attributes + h.
15. DIR /o, to display the file in the form of an ordered
o n based on the file name ( alphabetical ).
o e based on file type ( extension ).
o S by size from small to large
o D based on the date and time
o - to restore instructions.
16. DIR /s: to display the file to the root directory and sub ​​- directory.
17. DIR /b, which is to display files and directories each row.
18. DIR /l, ie to display file or directory in lowercase form.
19. DIR /c, which is to display the compression ratio.
• and many others.

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